

Pages folder

Sambal has a file system router where every file path under the pages directory becomes a route in your website.

pages/index.yml  -> "/"
pages/blogs/ -> "/blogs/blog1"

Supported File types are markdown, json, yaml or image files. The content of the file is the main entity of the page. For example, if pages/blogs/ has this content

"@type": BlogPosting
headline: My first blog post
  - sambal
  - linked data
My first blog post!

Sambal will transform the blog post to be the main entity of the /blogs/blog1 page. Sambal will auto populate the url of the WebPage.

    "@type": "WebPage",
    url: "/blogs/blog1",                            // page url
    mainEntity: {
        "@id": "/blogs/blog1",          
        "@type": "BlogPosting",
        headline: "My first blog post",
        keywords: ["sambal", "linked data"],
        text: "My first blog post!",
        encodingFormat: "text/markdown"

Now that you have a way to specify the main entity of a webpage. What if you want to provide more details about the webpage? page.yml is a special file you can use to add props to the webpage. For example, create the file pages/page.yml with the following content

  - "@type": SiteNavigationElement
    name: About
    url: /about

Any nested files under pages directory will inherit this page properties. So now the page for /blogs/blog1 will look like this

    "@type": "WebPage",
    url: "/blogs/blog1",
    hasPart: [
            "@type": "SiteNavigationElement",
            name: "About",
            url: "/about"
    mainEntity: {       
        "@type": "BlogPosting",
        headline: "My first blog post",
        keywords: ["sambal", "linked data"],
        text: "My first blog post!",
        encodingFormat: "text/markdown",
        mainEntityOfPage: "/blogs/blog1"

To override a higher level page.yml, create a new page.yml file in a subfolder. So for the example below, if you create pages/blogs/page.yml, then both /blogs/blog1 and /blogs/2021/blog2 will inherit from pages/blogs/page.yml while "/" will inherit from pages/_page.yml
